

Future of in-car UI

Future in-car UI’s are likely to be shaped by advancements in technology and a focus on customisation for the driver and passengers. Here are few trends and developments that could shape in-car interfaces in the near future: In-car UI is going to be focused on creating a more personalised, custom and intuitive environment. It’s going

Automotive UI’s: The exciting future ahead

Initially, UI’s in vehicles were aimed at informing the user about the cars speed, petrol & water levels, rev counter etc. With the introduction of built-in media players and radio systems, it became apparent that people wanted to be entertained, to add to the experience of driving. With decades of progress in the tech world,

What is a brand strategy and why is it important?

Before I talk about brand strategy, it’s important to define the word brand as there are many interpretations as to what it means. You may have the opinion that a brand is a company’s logo, its website, or marketing material. You may even have the opinion that brand refers to a company’s tone of voice

6 web design best practices for 2021

Today, almost anyone can get a website up and running with relative ease, however, that doesn’t guarantee it’ll be that effective for you and your company. A website is “open” 24/7 and is effectively your storefront to the world, with users forming an opinion within a few minutes it’s vital that you make a good

My design process

Whilst every project is different and the process tailored to the needs of the job, my design process tends to follow the same basic structure: The Brief Every job starts with a brief. This phase will help me as a designer to gain a better understanding of the business I’m working with, the people involved